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How do I use mealbud?

Through the app store! We are currently available on all iOS devices..

How much does it cost to get something delivered ?

It depends on the restaurant and size of the order, but usually between 1 and 3 dollars including all service fees. See our price comparisons here.

How do I find what I want using the app?

If you just want a smoothie or boba drink then you can scroll and just click on your preferred drink under "Delicious Delights". Otherwise, click on a restaurant and click the image of your preferred order.

How does paying for my food work?

We use Apple Pay. This makes it super easy to order in just one tap, while protecting your privacy in ever step!

How long does it take to get my food after placing an order?

This depends on the restaurant, your delivery location, and time of day. However, with MealBud's delivery network you can be sure you'll get your order as soon as possible. This can be as little as 5-10 minutes, but you will receive an estimate upon placing your order.

Who will deliver my order?

A fellow student at your University! We employ students who are motivated and trustworthy to ensure the best possible service.